Melissa has been my friend for almost 10 years, and roommate for over 2. On August 18, 2015, as I sat on my couch, I heard the sounds of shock coming from her end of the house followed by, "Jessie....come here!" I instantly knew she would be holding that little stick displaying a big plus sign on it. Despite the shock, I would be lying if I said one of my first thoughts wasn't "Oh the pictures we will create!" But I kept that to myself until I felt the time was right.....only a few hours later. I had been dreaming of a day in which I would have the opportunity to document a pregnancy from (almost) the beginning straight through the birth story. Okay, who am I kidding, this kid is going to be documented for the rest of her life, or at least until she is able to tell me "no".
Melissa had just started her final year of nursing school, and her first job as an RN. And now she had been thrown this big curve ball. I know she wanted to quit school so badly some days, but she knew she would never forgive herself, so she powered through those 9 months of exhaustion and somehow didn't lose herself in the process. And...spoiler alert! She did it! In just 16 days, she will be walking across that stage for the second time and will officially receive her Bachelors degree!

Being that she was my roommate, these weekly progress photos were a MUST! It was so fun to watch her belly grow and wonder what this tiny blueberry would end up looking like!
Going with Melissa to her first and last ultrasound was such a special experience! Seeing that instantaneous love pouring from her was incredible.
Melissa and I are both big believers in everything happening for a reason. I was so impressed by her from the very beginning. She knew immediately that, despite what she thought might be poor timing, despite the surprise, and despite her plans taking a huge turn, this baby girl was without-a-doubt meant to be. She took that and ran with it. She became a mom instantly, and I loved being able to witness that!
So let's talk about the fact this baby ended up being a girl. Melissa was positive she was having a boy. She just knew it. She was so sure, that she and Jordy had pretty much settled on a boy name and she would say it to herself, and say it out loud to see how it sounded. And then one day, I received the text "It's a girl!"
And I was beyond excited.
And I ran out and bought an adorable little outfit that included tiny baby jeggings that I would totally wear myself if I could fit my legs into them.
And then Melissa was practically in tears because she thought her baby would be nameless since she hadn't planned on having a girl.
Oh, pregnancy hormones, it's a wonder you don't make more women clinically crazy.
Oh, but don't you worry, it wasn't too long before we found the absolute, most perfect baby girl name in the world and it took about 5 minutes for it become official:

So, she had a baby shower.
She did lots of shopping.
And decorating.
And whining about being pregnant for so long.
And then the day came.....or so we thought.
On the morning of Tuesday, April 5, 2016, Melissa started having contractions. They weren't stopping, and they were definitely getting stronger, so we started tracking them, but they weren't meeting the 5-1-1 rule so we just hung out and tried to find things to keep her occupied while she labored. We walked the neighborhood. We watched Dr. Phil. Painted her nails so they were pretty when Hadelyn met her Mommy for the first time. We played a dance game on the Xbox. She took lots of hot baths. She even tried to do some homework.....yeah, I know. Who IS this woman???
My dog stayed concerned about Melissa through all of her laboring. He stayed by her side any chance he could get and it was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen!

Her nephew's 10th birthday was April 6th and despite the pain and exhaustion, she didn't want him to feel forgotten on his big day, so she asked his mom to bring he and his sister over to the house to celebrate for a little while. Looking back through those pictures of that evening, I was just blown away by the kind of love she has for those kids. Not many women who are in the middle of labor, would ask to hang out with two little kids like that. But she wanted them involved and she wanted them to know that she still loved them even though she would have another baby in her life soon.
Tuesday came and went. Wednesday came and went, with a quick visit to the doctor because of course we were positive she had to have progressed, but we were sadly mistaken. Thursday came around, and Melissa's mom came to visit for a little while. Let me tell you, this is the reason I do what I do. Her mom came over and washed her hair for her and it was ridiculously sweet. I'm so glad she now has those pictures to keep forever. I know they will be so special to her one day.
Friday was more of the same stuff. Laboring. Just constant laboring. By this point we had done enough research to figure out that what Melissa had been experiencing was prodromal labor. In her case, her body was trying desperately to get that baby to move on down and get into position so that she could be born, but clearly, it wasn't happening.

Early Saturday morning, I heard Melissa in her bathroom....did I mention I slept on the couch all week because I was just sure every night that "this will be THE night"? Anyway, so Saturday morning, I jumped off of the couch terrified at the fact that I had fallen asleep and left her to labor all night alone. At that point, I could tell that something had changed, but I knew it wasn't going to be easy to convince her to head to the hospital. She was afraid of being sent right back home since that's what had happened Wednesday at the doctor's office.
We finally made the decision to head out and I drove as fast as I safely could all the way to Park Ridge Hospital in Hendersonville. When we arrived, she was already almost halfway dilated and that meant she was there to stay! She labored for four days straight, and finally made it to the point of no return.
Shortly after we got there, Jordy, Melissa's boyfriend and Melissa's mom arrived and I know that brought her so much comfort to have them there with her.
By the way, those of you who are WNC locals, our hospitals now allow women to eat and drink during labor! Thank God! I'm not sure when this was implemented, but it had to have been in the last few months, because I know at my clients' births last year, that was absolutely not allowed. I was actually told by a nurse, that one laboring mama couldn't even have the piece of gum that I was offering her.

Ok, coming back from that tangent...around 6:30pm, after hours of labor, making it fully dilated before an epidural, and several rounds of pushing, the doctor and nurses advised Melissa that it would be in her and Hadelyn's best interest to go ahead with a c-section. Hadelyn's heart rate was dropping pretty drastically and struggling to raise back up every time Melissa would push. I was so proud of Melissa, though. This was the last thing she wanted. Her birth plan was to have a completely natural, unmedicated birth. She'd already endured 4 (pretty much 5 at this point) days of very intense labor, she gave in to IV meds and eventually an epidural as well, because she was just too exhausted and had reached the point where she couldn't handle any more pain. She didn't want to have to end up in surgery, as well, but she knew it was what was best. She had given it everything she had to give, and sometimes...okay most of the time, birth plans just don't go exactly how we think they should. And you know what? That's perfectly okay. What's important is that we are left with a healthy mom and baby that can continue their lives together without any further complications. I know it was a hard pill for Melissa to swallow, but she was so strong and did what she had to do to make sure her baby didn't have to endure any more stress.
Well, remember what I said earlier about Melissa being a big believer in everything happens for a reason? When the doctor did the c-section, he found that the umbilical cord was wrapped around baby Hadelyn's foot. She couldn't move further down because she was stuck and every time Melissa pushed, it cut off her air supply. Had she not decided to go ahead with the c-section when she did, there almost definitely would have been many more complications. I will say it again, everything happens for a reason!

Miss Hadelyn Grace was born screaming at the top of her lungs and 100% perfect on April 9, 2016 at 7:55pm. 105 hours after her Mommy first began labor and 6 days before her due date.

Make sure to watch Melissa's full pregnancy and birth story below to get a real feel for the first 39 weeks of Hadelyn's life! And make sure to subscribe to my blog so that you don't miss out on Haddie's story of her first week home!
I am beyond thrilled that I was able to take this 39 week journey with Melissa. I cannot wait to watch this baby girl grow up. Thank you Melissa for giving me this opportunity to witness such an incredible miracle!
{interested in your own birth story? contact me today!}
Birth Stories
- Jul 17, 2017 Hendersonville, NC Birth Photographer | A Birth Story: Payton Blair | A Pardee Hospital birth of a baby girl Jul 17, 2017
- Jul 9, 2017 Asheville, NC Birth Photographer | A Birth Story: Delaney Jade | A WNC Birth Center labor and delivery Jul 9, 2017
- Mar 20, 2017 Asheville, NC Birth Photographer | A Birth Story: Myah June | A Park Ridge Health scheduled c-section of a baby girl Mar 20, 2017
- Jan 12, 2017 Asheville, NC Birth Photographer | A Birth Story: Bishop Kai | A Weaverville, NC VBAC home birth Jan 12, 2017
- Sep 10, 2016 Asheville, NC Birth Photographer | A Birth Story: Benjamin Spurgeon | A Mission hospital scheduled c-section Sep 10, 2016
- Apr 19, 2016 Asheville, NC Birth & Newborn Photographer | A Birth Story: Hadelyn Grace | The pregnancy journey and Park Ridge hospital birth of a baby girl Apr 19, 2016
- Mar 19, 2016 Asheville, NC Birth Photographer | A Birth Story: AnnaBeth | A Franklin, NC hospital birth of a rainbow baby girl Mar 19, 2016
- Dec 23, 2015 Asheville, NC Birth Photographer | A Birth Story: Ayla Maeve | A mission hospital scheduled c-section birth of a baby girl Dec 23, 2015
- Aug 12, 2015 Asheville, NC Birth Photography | A Birth Story: Eleck & Cora Jo | The beautiful scheduled c-section of twin babies Aug 12, 2015
- May 8, 2015 Asheville, NC Birth Photography | {A Birth Story: Athaelia Eden} | The Unmedicated Hospital Birth of a New Baby Girl May 8, 2015
- Dec 19, 2014 Asheville, NC Birth Photography | {A Birth Story: Cooper Haze!} Dec 19, 2014
- Nov 12, 2014 Asheville, NC Birth Photographer | {A Birth Story: Olive Piper} Beautiful baby girl hospital birth | Jessie Fultz Photography Nov 12, 2014
Day in the Life
- Mar 28, 2018 Asheville, NC Maternity Photographer | A Pregnancy Story: Christina & Jonathan | A day in the life of a couple awaiting the birth of their baby boy, Charlie Mar 28, 2018
- Jul 20, 2016 Asheville, NC Documentary Family Photographer | A Day in the Life: The McElrath Family | A photojournalistic family session Jul 20, 2016
- Aug 28, 2015 Asheville, NC Family Photography | A Day in the Life: The Liebl Family | A peek into the life of a Florida family Aug 28, 2015
- May 29, 2015 Asheville, NC Documentary Photography | {A Day in the Life: Terry & Jenny} | A look into the life of a New York City couple May 29, 2015
- Dec 11, 2014 Asheville, NC Documentary Storytelling Family Photography | {A Holi-Day in the Life: The Kennedys!} Christmas Family Traditions & Tree Cutting Dec 11, 2014
- Nov 1, 2014 Asheville, NC Storytelling Family Photography | {A Day in the Life: Freeman Style!} Real life with a toddler & a 5 year old | Jessie Fultz Photography Nov 1, 2014
- Oct 13, 2016 Asheville, NC Birth & Family Photographer | A Birthday Party Story: Jade Turns Two! | A rainbow unicorn pool party Oct 13, 2016
- Dec 8, 2015 Asheville, NC Baby & Family Photographer | A Birthday Story: Abigail Turns 5 | An outdoor Minions-themed little girl's birthday party Dec 8, 2015
- Aug 27, 2015 Asheville, NC Baby Photographer | A Pregnancy Story: Baby Acosta | A Florida couple's pink and blue gender reveal party Aug 27, 2015
- Mar 23, 2017 Asheville, NC Birth & Newborn Photographer | A Fresh48 Story: Myah June | A Park Ridge Health hospital newborn photo session Mar 23, 2017
- Mar 20, 2017 Asheville, NC Birth Photographer | A Birth Story: Myah June | A Park Ridge Health scheduled c-section of a baby girl Mar 20, 2017
- Dec 24, 2015 Asheville, NC Birth & Newborn Photographer | A Fresh48 Story: Ayla Maeve | A mission hospital newborn photo session Dec 24, 2015
- Nov 28, 2015 Asheville, NC Birth & Newborn Photographer | A Fresh48 Story: Introducing Ashton Nolan | A documentary hospital newborn photo session Nov 28, 2015
- Aug 27, 2015 Asheville, NC Newborn Photography | A Fresh48 Story: Eleanor Maya | An in-home, family-centered welcoming of a newborn baby girl Aug 27, 2015
- Nov 22, 2014 Asheville, NC Birth and Family Photographer | {Fresh48: Olive Piper} Newborn hospital photos Nov 22, 2014
- Mar 28, 2018 Asheville, NC Maternity Photographer | A Pregnancy Story: Christina & Jonathan | A day in the life of a couple awaiting the birth of their baby boy, Charlie Mar 28, 2018
- Jul 25, 2017 Asheville, NC Maternity Photographer | A Pregnancy Story: Karen & Josh | A West Asheville couple awaiting the arrival of their baby girl, Maeve Jul 25, 2017
- Jan 23, 2016 Asheville, NC Baby & Family Photographer | A Pregnancy Story: The Farris Family | A family of three Biltmore Estate maternity photo session Jan 23, 2016
- Dec 22, 2014 Asheville, NC Birth & Family Photography | {Waiting on Oakley!} Downtown Waynesville, NC Maternity Photo Session Dec 22, 2014
New Baby
- Aug 27, 2015 Asheville, NC Newborn Photography | A Fresh48 Story: Eleanor Maya | An in-home, family-centered welcoming of a newborn baby girl Aug 27, 2015
- Aug 14, 2015 Asheville, NC Newborn Photography | A New Baby Story: Phebe Katherine | A sweet baby girl's in-home, lifestyle newborn photo session Aug 14, 2015
- Jul 8, 2015 Asheville, NC Newborn Photography | A New Baby Story: Handsome Mr. Oakley Cole | An in-home lifestyle newborn photo shoot Jul 8, 2015
- Jun 2, 2015 Asheville, NC Birth & Newborn Photography | {A New Baby Story: Sweet Baby Eve} | A North Carolina lifestyle newborn and family photo session Jun 2, 2015
- Feb 3, 2015 Asheville, NC Lifestyle Photography | {Watch Me Grow} New Baby Finley Rhea | Beautiful Hendersonville, NC Lifestyle Baby Girl Newborn Session Feb 3, 2015
- Proposals 1
Storytelling Sessions
- Mar 28, 2018 Asheville, NC Maternity Photographer | A Pregnancy Story: Christina & Jonathan | A day in the life of a couple awaiting the birth of their baby boy, Charlie Mar 28, 2018
- Jul 25, 2017 Asheville, NC Maternity Photographer | A Pregnancy Story: Karen & Josh | A West Asheville couple awaiting the arrival of their baby girl, Maeve Jul 25, 2017
- Jun 26, 2016 Asheville, NC Documentary & Lifestyle Photographer | A Proposal Story: Isaac + Corianna | A Craggy Gardens, NC surprise marriage proposal Jun 26, 2016
- Mar 21, 2016 Asheville, NC Documentary Family Photographer | A Surprise Story: The Heasley/Kennedy Family | A Hendersonville, NC family's surprise visit Mar 21, 2016
- Nov 20, 2015 Asheville, NC Family Photography | A Short Story: The Baker Family | A Hendersonville lifestyle family pregnancy announcement photo session Nov 20, 2015
- Nov 27, 2014 Asheville, NC Documentary Storytelling Family Photography | {A Toddler's Story: Lane is 2!} A day in the life of a two year old Nov 27, 2014
Watch Me Grow
- Nov 20, 2015 Asheville, NC Baby & Family Photographer | Watch Me Grow: Finley Rhea's 8th Month | A outdoor lifestle baby photo session Nov 20, 2015
- Jul 7, 2015 Asheville, NC Birth & Baby Photography | Grayson Matthew's 6 Month Session | A North Carolina documentary baby bath session Jul 7, 2015
- Feb 3, 2015 Asheville, NC Lifestyle Photography | {Watch Me Grow} New Baby Finley Rhea | Beautiful Hendersonville, NC Lifestyle Baby Girl Newborn Session Feb 3, 2015